The Eternal Fire

A fire burns out; inexplicably or purposefully, it is no more. You can’t "think" a fire back into existence. Neither can you wish or hope a fire to spark. This happens in nature often, but also in humanity. Possibly it’s a passion for the arts. Maybe it’s a drive to be the best worker, the best student, or the best person you can be. It’s not taught. It’s God given, God led, and God fueled. You either have it or you don’t.

After recovering from a sprained ankle during the fall of last year, my daughter, Emory, was excited to be back to playing sports. But in February, she hurt it again. It was a "freak" play - a girl rolled up over her ankle. She didn’t mean to. She hit her leg, at just the right angle and with the precise  force to cause it to snap. But Emory would not let it stop her. She hobbled to the bench. Then, her coach not realizing she was hurt, put her back in the game. Emory limped out on her injured leg trying to play defense. She could not.

We were crushed. My wife instantly jumped into action. Treating it as a sprain, she was up with Emory 4 times a night, giving her ice and medicine. But to no avail. Nine days later we went to the doctor’s office. His diagnosis: a broken leg. We thought, “But Emory finished this game, plus played in 2-3 of the next games, on a broken leg! We felt like such bad parents.

Emory refused to let a “little" broken leg stop her from playing. In the next 8 weeks, we saw her passion renewed, her determination to get better surface, and her love for the game renewed. She saw the game in a whole new light. She appreciated every nuance of sport. Her heart and life were renewed for the game of basketball.

In the same manner, Jesus wants to renew the fire behind our faith each and every day. It is easy to become discouraged, depressed, and dried up. So many of you serve the church doing a laundry list of chores that no member ever sees. This fire which burns from you, set ablaze by the Spirit of God within you, propels you to attempt and do great things for God.

In the Bible, we learn of the importance of allowing God (and not man) to light a fire within us. Deuteronomy 4:24 underlines, "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire.” From the burning bush in Exodus 3 to the call of Jeremiah in Jeremiah 20:9, we see fire from a different light: a burning passion to pursue God, to love as He loves, give as He gives, and sacrifice as He sacrificed. Our salvation must burn within us (see Isaiah 62:1). It must be united as one call to glorify the Lord.

We are warned that a life without God will lead to a cold heart, a lifeless body, and a stale spiritual life. Jesus, Himself, warns of this in Matthew 24:12 to not let our love “grow cold.” We must have the same realization as the two men walking on the road to Emmaus, when confronted with an unknown resurrected Savior, “Did not our hearts burn within us?” As a church and as a people, our hearts must burn with a passion for God, and this equates to a passion for lost humanity.

Jesus in His teaching on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5, states, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Living a life of purity and holiness is key, but this search will not solely remedy and cure a “dried up faith.” Spiritual fire only comes the God of the burning bush. It is a fire that only sin can quench. It is an eternal and everlasting fire, only sparked by an eternal God.

Hebrews 12:29 refers to God as a “consuming fire.” If we are to succeed in our chosen endeavor, we must be fueled by an eternal God. How are we continually sparked for the cause of Christ? Let me suggest 4 ways:

1. Live a life of prayer.

2. Meditate on the Word of God. (see Psalm 1:2-3)

3. Serve God and Him only. (Romans 12:11)

4. Share the Good News.

These are ways we can be sure our flame does not burn out. In the good times, through the bad times, our flames must shine for the world to see. I pray that you’ll allow God to light the eternal fire within you.

Dr. Jeff Johnson